Chapter Activities and Projects
Vineyard Trails Chapter, NSDAR
Each year we participate in:
- Wreaths Across America by donating wreaths and helping to lay wreaths at the graves of veterans buried at the Sacramento Valley Veterans National Cemetery in Dixon and the California Veterans Home in Yountville
- Gifts and cards to veterans at Christmas time
- DAR Good Citizens Awards to high school seniors
- Boy Scout Project Sponsorship
- Flag Burning Ceremonies
- Fourth of July Parade - Napa
Current and On-going Projects
"Socks Fifth Avenue" at the Veteran's Home - Chapter daughters donate to a free store on the Veterans' Home campus in Yountville that distributes gently used clothing, shoes, and sundry items to residents.
Valentine candy bags put together by chapter daughters with a message of caring for community members who enjoy a free, hot meal at "The Table".
Random Acts of Kindness Day - February 17 is Random Acts of Kindness Day. It is celebrated by individuals, groups, and organizations nationwide to encourage acts of kindness. It started near us in Sausalito when Anne Herbert, at a restaurant in 1982, scrawled the words "practice random acts of kindness and senseless acts of beauty" on a placemat. From there it spread to bumper stickers, quietly at first, but with all the powerful momentum of something important, calling us to live lives of caring and compassion. And it's so easy - let someone go ahead of you in line, bake brownies for the mail carrier or neighbor, leave change in a vending machine for someone, compliment a stranger, hold open a door, bring donuts for your coworkers, buy flowers to hand out on the street, help an elderly person with their groceries, and so much more. All it takes is a moment of thoughtfulness; it might just be the thing someone needed at that moment.
Veterans' Home, Yountville - Daughters volunteer for various projects when they request our assistance such as The Library Project, and Honoring WWII Veterans.